The 10 Most Instagrammable Spots in El Nido, Philippines

Kayaking in El Nido, Palawan
Kayaking in El Nido, Palawan | © Dennis Orita / Flickr
Katrina Escalona

Anyone who’s been to El Nido can vouch that this is one place where it’s difficult to take a bad picture—it is, after all, on the ‘World’s Best Island’. But if you need some extra pointers to direct you to the perfect setting that will surely up your Insta-game, read on and bookmark El Nido’s most instagrammable spots.

Big Lagoon

A trip to El Nido almost demands a mandatory kayaking photo. And the best places to score these are within Bacuit Bay’s exquisite lagoons. Here, karst landscapes serve as an astonishing backdrop, and your bright yellow kayak will strikingly contrast the beautiful turquoise waters. Because some parts of the Big Lagoon are too shallow for the typical island hopping boats to dock, it’s best explored aboard a kayak, which also makes for a truly envy-worthy image.

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Gorgeous Guatemala

5 days . Mini
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1. Guatemala

An express adventure for those with limited time off. Prepare yourself incredible experiences. You will hike a volcano, visit mayan temples and witness a ceremony and take in beautiful colonial Antigua.


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Beachy Belize

5 days . Mini
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2. Belize

A quick trip not too far away for those seeking a relaxing mini break. You will have plenty of free time to relax but also some awesome activities to experience the rainforest and the caribbean sea.
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Colonial Mexico

5 days . Mini
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3. Mexico

An exciting mini trip exploring the lesser known colonial towns of central Mexico. This is hte perfect trip for someone with limited time off and still wants to turn on explorer mode and do something different.
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Adventurous Ecuador

8 days . Epic
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1. Ecuador

A remarkable 8 days adventure through the Andes and the Amazon rainforest. The best choice for adventure seekers wishing to visit the 2 most iconic areas of South America, in only 1 week and no flights.


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Ancient Peru

9 days . Epic
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2. Peru

An alternative itinerary to classic Peru, from Cusco to Arequipa. This itinerary is great combination of highlights Cusco and Machu Picchu with the lesser known Arequipa and Colca Canyon.
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Seductive Southern Italy

10 days . Epic
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1. Italy

The ultimate Italian experience from the vibrant streets of Naples to the breathtaking sceneries of the Amalfi Coast followed by Matera and down to Puglia with its golden beaches, intense flavours and fascinating destinations.


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Edinburgh And The Scottish Highlands By Train

7 days . Culture
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2. Scotland

Embark on this great adventure starting from London all the way to Scotland with a true Scottish experience made of breathtaking sceneries, whisky tasting and ..lots of fun! Ideal for train lovers and explorers.
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Complete Portugal By Train

8 days . Culture
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3. Portugal

A wonderful train journey around Portugal, from the romantic city of Porto to the Douro Valley, to the beautiful Aveiro all the way to Lisbon and Sintra. The perfect trip to train, culinary and culture lovers.
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Soulful South Korea

10 days . Epic
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1. South Korea

Discover incredible temples, mountains and modern cities on this 10 day adventure. This trip is perfect for those seeking immersion in the cuisine, culture and natural wonders of South Korea.


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Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam

11 days . Epic
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2. Thailand

From Bankgok to Angkor Wat to Ho Chi Minh City and everything in between - adventure through the heart of South-East Asia. Taste the delights, see history brought to life and unwind on a Mekong River cruise.
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Secrets Of Sri Lanka By Train

10 days . Culture
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3. Sri Lanka

A fantastic adventure that showcases Sri Lanka's fantastic landscapes, wildlife and flavours. With 3 epic rail journeys, 3 UNESCO heritage sites and time to relax, this trip has loads to offer at a great price
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Epic Morocco

11 days . Epic
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1. Morocco

An epic journey across Morocco: from Casablanca to Marrakech, through the blue city of Chefchaouen to the wonders of the desert and deep to the High Atlas Mountains - this trip has it all! Ideal for true explorers!


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Ultimate Egypt

9 days . Epic
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2. Egypt

From Cairo to Aswan, this trip brings the land of the pharaohs to life. You'll visit the Pyramids, Valley of the Kings and Luxor Temple and cruise down the Nile in style. This is the perfect way to explore Egypt.
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Immersive Kenya

8 days . Epic
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3. Kenya

An immersive blend of culture and wildlife for first time travelers to Africa. Learn about Nairobi, sample local coffee in the Aberdares and finish up with a fantastic safari stay in the Masai Mara.
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Small Lagoon

Another divine photo-op presents itself at El Nido’s Small Lagoon. Just as its “bigger” counterpart, towering limestones and gorgeous blue waters make this a fantastic setting for your next Instagram upload. Whether you choose to linger around the lagoon entrance on your bangka or decide to rent a kayak to enter and explore its hidden nooks, you’re bound to get a brilliant shot.

Nacpan Beach

Over a half-hour drive from El Nido town proper is arguably one of the most beautiful beaches in the area. Because it’s a bit of a drive from town, a portion of which runs over some bumpy roads, Nacpan Beach doesn’t get overly crowded with tourists (passerby-free photos!). It’s a stunning stretch of fine, white sand, backed by rows of coconut trees. A few establishments are also around serving cocktails and food, and there are day beds and hammocks for that effortless lounge photo.

Taraw Cliff

Want your followers to know you haven’t traded in your active lifestyle for all-day beach idling? Take an impressive photo atop Taraw Cliff overlooking the El Nido town and bay. While an easier (and safer) option is available through a canopy walk, the challenging route climbing up jagged limestones delivers the most rewarding views. Be warned, however, that the latter requires some level of physical fitness and is made easier by some hiking experience. Also make sure your guides provide safety gear such as helmets and gloves as the ascent is steep and the rocks can be sharp.

Seven Commando Beach

If you choose to go on the island hopping Tour A, this pristine stop will be on your day’s itinerary. Though you will likely be in the company of fellow tourists due to this beach’s popularity, it proves to be a small price to pay for a dazzling beach and shoreline, and lined up coconut trees that make for a scenic background. Try to go on leaner hours of the day to avoid the crowds.

Pinagbuyutan Island

For pictures that are photobomber-free, venture off to islands that aren’t part of the typical El Nido itinerary. Because many tourists, attempting to see El Nido’s highlights in their limited time, will choose the most popular tours A and C, the stops on tours B and D are left more serene. Pinagbuyutan Island is one of these escapes. Its interesting make of powdery white sand, grass patches, and rock formations gives you a variety of setting choices for your snapshots.

Entalula Island

Another island to dodge the crowds is Entalula. Also a stop on Tour B, this island boasts a gorgeous beach and vibrant waters, like many others within Bacuit Bay. But what sets it apart is a striking, massive rock formation greeting its visitors as they approach its shores. Quiet and picturesque, Entalula is a great location to score some Insta-worthy shots.

Secret Beach

Being part of one of the more popular island hopping tour itineraries, unfortunately the Secret Lagoon and Beach isn’t much of a secret anymore. But it does remain a must-visit for good reason. Visitors have to swim through a small hole within the limestones–which at some hours of the day may be completely submerged under water–to get to the Secret Lagoon, and swim further down to get to the small sandy area considered the Secret Beach. Despite the company, it’s still quite the sight to behold with the limestone walls safeguarding the azure lagoon and beach, and makes for an awesome backdrop should you be able to find a vacant spot.

The Birdhouse El Nido

While guests at this remarkable glamping accommodation among the trees will never run out of things to photograph from the thoughtfully designed glamp tents (which they adoringly refer to as ‘nests’) to their boho-inspired common spaces, non-guests can still make the hike up and pay the photogenic Birdhouse a visit. Meals are available (best to call in advance in case a reservation is needed) at the Nesting Table and sunset yoga sessions can also be savored from an open-air platform at their ‘mother nest’—both of which are surrounded by sensational El Nido views. Nestled atop a cliff on Marimegmeg Beach within lush greenery, The Birdhouse is more than ideal for your Instagram needs.

Las Cabanas Beach

If there’s the mandatory kayaking photo to kick off your beach pictures checklist, there’s the classic, sentimental sunset shot to close it off. Las Cabanas, over a half-hour drive from El Nido town is one of the best places to catch the golden hour glow. Grab a cocktail at one of the beach bars and watch the sky do its magic. Other nearby beaches that are spectacular for sunset viewing include Marimegmeg and Nacpan.

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